Friday, September 26, 2014

TOW #4- America Responds to the Latest Mass Shootings (Visual)

    Yet another school shooting, just another day in the life of every American. Is this what we are now? A society where a norm is little kids getting shot? This is what this cartoon is questioning. It is also very true. In the days since the Sandy Hook shootings, there have been a multitude of new examples. 74, just in schools. Everyday, there is another story, another hundred people grieving for their loved ones. Now, it is so commonplace that the news may spend just ten minutes, or less on it, before going on, to explain other things, like how a Kardashian is pregnant. Chris Britt showcases this horrible cultural phenomenon that is taking place, through the Creators Syndicate, a website where hundreds of political cartoons are posted weekly.
   Did everyone know during the Sandy Hook tragedy, that it wasn't going to change anything? Did the optimists push it to the back of their minds while the pessimists complained loudly? Not much has changed in the policies that govern  gun rights. Americans have become jaded, and this is what Britt shows. People dying is no longer something out of the ordinary., but nobody expects it to happen to them. I am sitting in a school right now, one very similar to Sandy Hook. Do the gun regulations make me safe? No, as the 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook have proved. Americans need to stop thinking of these shootings as just something on the news, and start thinking of them as very real threats, because they are.

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